St Mark's CE Primary School


Consultation for 26/27 school admissions:

The Wings’ CE Academy Trust is consulting on proposed changes to St Mark’s CE Primary School’s admission policy for 2026-27.

The Trust is proposing to amend the school’s admission arrangements in line with the Church of England criteria for church attendance. This relates specifically to notes (e) and (f) of the admission arrangements document found below.

The school’s full proposed arrangements are below. If you have any questions about the school’s proposed admission arrangements, please contact the Trust on 01942 883971.

The link to the consultation. The web address is –

Details on how to have your say in the consultation can be found on the poster attached

 2006 St Mark's CE Primary School - Admission Arrangements 2026-27.pdfDownload
 Poster V2.pdfDownload
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Current Admission Policies

Please click on the links for further details of Admission arrangements.

School Admissions

Appeals Timetable

In Year Applications

Please contact the school office for any queries on school admissions.

Admission Supplementary Form

 St Mark's CE Primary Admissions Policy 26-27.pdfDownload
 St Mark's CE Primary School Admissions Policy 25-26 Ver1.pdfDownload
 St Mark's CE Primary School Admissions Policy 24-25 Ver1.pdfDownload
 St Mark's CE Primary School Admissions Policy 23-24.pdfDownload
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